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Please make checks payable to
"Fairfield U Mentor Program Corp."
3543 Defoe Road
Huntington, WV 25701
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Yes - Fairfield U is a 501(c)3 certified non-profit organization so all donations are tax-deductible and receipts will be provided for tax purposes.
What will my donation be used for?
Approximately $100 covers the monthly stipend for one mentee, rewarding them for their participation and community service. Note that 75% of the stipend funds will be put into an account that the mentee can access when they turn 18 for college and/or career training.
Donated funds will further be used to fund extracurricular events such as cookouts, end-of-the-year festivals, and family fun days.
Remaining funds will be used to provide scholarship opportunities for our participants.
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